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Premium Locations

Premium locations are currently countries, continents, and the world. They trade slightly differently to normal locations.

Prices automatically increase

Premium locations automatically increase 25% in price when they are purchased. Once their price exceeds 1 ETH they increase 15% with each trade. This increase is implemented via the smart contract during a trade. Owners may not manually increase their prices, but they do have the option to lower the price by up to 20% after 1 day of inactivity.

They are snatchable

This means that a premium location can always be purchased by another person for the next price. They can't be delisted or removed for sale by the current owner.

Fees are auto-deducted

A 2.9% dev fee is deducted from the trade price automatically. A 1% fee is also deducted for each level above.

Blockchain Secured

The ownership of each location is securely recorded in the blockchain. You can think of these assets as tokens. The only way to acquire ownership of them is by paying the Ether price currently set for the location.